By Mike Bires on Friday, September 05, 2014
Category: Crime Prevention Tips

Catalytic Converter Thefts

Catalytic converters are found underneath vehicles, and they are part of the exhaust system. They are filled with precious metals which covert pollutant gases into less harmful ones. Thieves love catalytic converters due to the amount of money they can obtain when they sell them to scrap yards. The value of the precious metals in the converters has sky-rocketed over the years.

High Profile Vehicles

Any vehicle's catalytic converter is susceptible to being stolen. However, thieves particularly like vehicles which sit higher off the ground, so they can quickly and easily get underneath them and do their work.  A thief can steal your converter in less than a minute with the use of some simple hand tools.

How To Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft

Tips for preventing your converter from being stolen is like most tips to prevent theft:

Recent Thefts Investigated By The Azusa PD

Although thefts can happen anywhere, the Azusa Police Department has noticed an increase in catalytic thefts in the areas depicted in the map below: