By Mike Bires on Friday, January 16, 2015
Category: Crime Prevention Tips

January Is Stalking Awareness Month

This month is National Stalking Awareness Month. Through education and support, we can all help victims of this horrible crime. 

From the website, here are some facts you may not know about stalking:

What Is Stalking?

Stalking is a crime that doesn't seem to end, because it continues over, and over. The repeated conduct or actions of a person that instills fear in another person is stalking.

Stalker Behavior

Continual repetition of criminal and non-criminal acts constitutes stalking. Some common behaviors are:

Stalkers may send the victim gifts, cards, letters or notes, and he or she may even personally deliver them or leave them on the doorstep, at work or on vehicles. They might follow the victim and wait for the victim to exit their residence, work or an event or store. Stalkers might even send pictures or videos of the victim, when they didn't know the stalker was around.

Obviously stalkers use modern technology, such as social media and cell phones. Check out a previous article we published, "When Your Ex Threatens Your Peace Both Online And Off..." for information about online safety. As for stalkers using GPS devices, California Penal Code Section 637.7 covers the issues regarding electronic stalking.

What's The Law Section For Stalking

California Penal Code Section 646.9 is the appropriate section for this crime, which states:

(a) Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or willfully and maliciously harasses another person and who makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate family is guilty of the crime of stalking, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, or by imprisonment in the state prison.

What To Do If You Are Being Stalked

Here is a great video produced by website and Jennifer Vallance.

If you are the victim of stalking, it is imperative that you notify law enforcement immediately. We need to start an investigation, so we can put an end to this crime and bring some peace back to your life. Here are some tips to remember:

General Safety:

If you are in imminent danger, locate a safe place. Consider going to:

Safety at home:

Safety at work and school:

Remember, get law enforcement involved as quickly as possible. Together, we can get you through this!

We credit the website for much of the content used in this article.